Sunday Services
Holy Communion
Choral Communion & Cathedral KIDS Robed Choir / Livestreamed
Whakatu Maori Mission Service
Evensong Robed Choir / Livestreamed
Communion Service (+ morning tea) with toy area
Christ Church Cathedral (Nelson Anglican Cathedral) is the principal church of the Diocese of Nelson, New Zealand. The Maori name for the hill on which the Cathedral stands is Piki Mai, which means "come up hither".
Our worship follows traditional Anglican patterns with organ and robed choir (Choir breaks for school holidays).
We are open from 8:30am-7pm every day to give you an opportunity to visit, sit quietly and pray, meditate or light a prayer candle.
During school term time CathedralKIDS is on during the 10am Service. Find out more here
Our thanks to all who contributed Christmas Trees to the 2024-25 festival.
A full list of trees and votes is available at the Cathedral or from the Cathedral office.